Monday, January 19, 2009

Obama is a Rock Star/Don't Ask Don't Tell

Barack Obama or Jesus Christ? The guy is literally a rock star, he is a cross between Bon Jovi and Jay-Z if you can imagine that. According to a recent poll, CNN reports "President-elect Barack Obama is more popular than ever despite recent speed bumps on the road to his inauguration". This started when he was in campaign mode and he was drawing massive crowds just to hear him give a speech, people literally believe he is the savior for this country, and frankly that can only be a good thing. The guy is giving Americans not only hope, but also confidence that a brighter day is in store, and with confidence comes upswings in the American way of life and perhaps even the economy. Honestly, I thought once he was elected, the excitement would tale off but in reality its just now reaching a fever pitch, according to the survey 84% of people polled are "thrilled or happy" he will be inaugurated on Tuesday. Think about that. In history, there has never been an American politician with this kind of god-like status, end of story. Not even JFK. Heck, I was a skeptic at first and I still think, politically John Edwards was the man for the job, but Obama won me over and I wouldn't have it any other way. Obama it is now officially reported, he will strike down the "Don't Ask Don't Tell" military policy and will let gays to openly enlist in the military. When this policy was first instilled by Bill Clinton it was considered a groundbreaking move and Obama is simply going to take it to that next level. Frankly I'm a fan of the move. Honestly, the don't ask don't tell policy was only there, not because they think that gays should have to keep their sexuality to themselves, but just because you simply don't want to ruin the cohesiveness of a unit when the stakes are so high when it comes to national defense. But as far as I'm concerned if a soldier chooses to jeopardize his life, her life, or the life of an American because of a fellow-soldiers sexuality, they shouldn't have joined the military to begin with. Props to Obama. Let's make major moves in 09.


gouda said...

yo no OPFL for me today, i cant make it as im back at school hahaha. well i totally failed in making anything happen this break, so spring break!

Imjustlikemusiq said...

Haha, its cool man, spring break for sure....

Anonymous said...

Barack is the man. I hope people don't put too much pressure on him to make everything perfect in the US his first month or year as president, but I have faith over the next four years things will certainly change for the better in this country.